Nine years later

I have been led to understand that posting an item on a blog every 9 years is not recommended by other social media heroes like what I am. I don’t agree, of course, as I am a person with a slow brain that likes to think things through before making a fool of himself. But, conscious of the imperative of going viral (what a nasty expression) here’s my second posting. You can read my previous archive if you have time, of course.

I thought I might introduce my latest gallery Cairngorms multiple exposure. 

These are neither new nor multiple exposures but, hey ho! The pictures were made at a Bailey/Chinnery workshop in November 2019 a few months before our lives turned topsy-turvy.  I have been following Doug Chinnery ever since I was inspired by his 2013  ICM videos on another favourite site, OnLandscape.  Since then I’ve followed Doug on a number of his workshops and, later with Valda Bailey when they set up their own Expressionist Photography workshops Bailey Chinnery and lately FInd Your Voice (FYV)

This was my last workshop before my world came to an abrupt lockdown. So, as I believe in short blogs and long sentences I’ll call it a day.

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